There is no democracy without civil society
ForumCiv is a Swedish organization. We work together with members and partners towards a just and sustainable world where all people have the power to effect change.
Our work centres on enabling people to organize to claim their rights and take control of their lives; for it is only then that democracy can grow, resources can be distributed more fairly, and poverty can be reduced.
What we do
Our head office is in Stockholm, Sweden. We also have regional and country offices with staff in Colombia, Kenya, Liberia, and Lithuania through which we provide direct support to local organizations on the ground.
ForumCiv also advocates for just and sustainable development. By enhancing knowledge and advocating on critical issues, ForumCiv works to change the global structures that create poverty and violate human rights. ForumCiv keeps an active dialogue with decision makers to influence Sweden's and EU's policies.
Within our capacity development framework, we have several kinds of learning methods, such as online courses, workshops, conferences, and seminars.
ForumCiv facilitates forums for sharing experience and developing capacity: we can act as a voice carrier and represent members in relevant national and international forums.

From members and annual meetings to employees in Sweden and the world.

Our work
Read more about our work and what we do in a specific country or region.

Our history
We have defended democracy and human rights since 1995. This is how it all began.

Contact us
Our head office are in Sweden. We also have offices in Colombia, Kenya, Liberia and Lithuania.