The country has made significant democratic strides since its 14 years civil war ended in 2003. However, Liberia still faces significant challenges to stamp out corruption and ensure equitable distribution of national wealth.
Liberia has an estimated population of 5.2 million inhabitants, hosts about 40% of the Upper Guinea rainforest and vast natural resources. Perennial challenge with corruption and the uneven distribution of the national wealth keeps most Liberians in poverty. The existing civic space is appreciable, but threats against defenders of human rights and civil society actors have been documented. Widespread proliferations of media institutions (radio, television, etc.) are compounded ownership by politicians. Potential establishment of a War and Economic Crimes Court, proliferations and use of narcotic substance are potential challenges that could shape the development dynamics in Liberia.
Examples of what ForumCiv contributes to
In Liberia, ForumCiv is strengthening the independence and technical capacities of rural-based civil society organizations by ensuring that they develop relevant capacities in governance, fundraising, financial management and other technical areas. Our programme thematic cover Democracy and Human Rights, Gender Equality and Equity, Climate justice, and Land Rights. We also empower rightsholders to hold their duty bearers accountable and our programme
Our support has enhanced organizational development across our partners and enhanced their access to funding. Rural communities including women have gained their voices and push for accountability and transparency have also elevated due to the work of pur partners and communities that benefit from our works.
Report for the 2nd Rural Women Land Rights Conference 2021
This report is a summary of activities captured during the 2nd Rural Women Land Rights Conference organized by ForumCiv with funding from the Swedish International Development Agency (Sida), held in Ganta, Nimba County from November 23 - 24, 2021 under the theme “Sustaining the Momentum to Secure Rural Women Land Rights”
Report for Bong County Social Development Funds Accountability Project
This Report highlights the objective of the project, methodology of the research and evaluation used, field findings, conclusion, recommendations, and the engineer’s analysis of projects as an annex. The project was implemented between September and December 2021.