The Artivism Challenge marks a recognition and a celebration of milestones and achievements by new and innovative actors and seeks to amplify what has been achieved within the arts and cultural space in the pursuit of democracy and human rights. These actors will include individual actors as well as innovative CSOs and movements and new actors in development including those that engage with musicians, artists, cultural actors, bloggers, citizen journalists, and spoken word activists, among others.
The Artivism Challenge will further seek to showcase the often-overlooked contributions of cultural actors in the socio-political sphere.
Guidelines, Criteria and Entry Process
Artivism Challenge Guidelines
- All entries must follow the competition themes and seek to address a challenge within Democracy, Human Rights and Gender Equality themes in Kenya.
- The grant award will be expected to use two-thirds for relevant activities towards addressing the challenge and up to one third for administrative support of the same
- All winning challenge ideas must be implemented within a 6-months project window effective January 2021.
- Grant awarding will be granted as per ForumCiv grants guidelines and on tranche-funding basis with the winning challenge ideas will be implemented as per the grant guidelines
- There shall be five categories. Participants are allowed to submit one application in one of the categories
- After submissions, ten most promising acts under each category, as selected by the team of judges, will proceed to stage 2, the Fellowship Stage
- At the Fellowship stage, all 10 finalists in each category will undergo 2 weeks capacity strengthening and masterclasses which will include respective mentors and relevant subject matter experts.
- The creatives will be paired with a relevant mentor during the capacity strengthening duration and to guide them until the awarding period.
- All the necessary training and facilitation costs will be catered for ForumCiv as per standard procedures.
- After the training, applicants will be allowed to amend certain segments of their applications relating to budgets and work-planning and/ or activities
- After review, the fellow will present their challenges to the judges, pechakucha style.
- The top two winning challenge ideas will be selected in each category and to be announced at the Awarding ceremony
- There will be an overall Special Recognition Award which will be chosen from the various entry categories by ForumCiv and the judges
- Creatives who submit their artwork to the Artivism Challenge 2020 agree to the following; That ForumCiv be granted usage of the chosen artwork, only for non-profit display and promotional purposes for the competition exhibition, and for any future ForumCiv themed exhibitions and that usage of that creative product is limited to non-commercialized use. An agreement to this effect will be signed between ForumCiv and the creative.
- No resale of or exchange of creative products will occur by ForumCiv. All creative products submitted for the purpose of this challenge remain the property of the artist and the creative retains the sole copyright and all applicable rights.
- The creative further agrees that ForumCiv can maintain an archive of the chosen creative products for a period five (5) years after the challenge for the purpose of a historical documentation and as a record of past themed shows. This archive will be available for public viewing and be limited to the ForumCiv website . ForumCiv will credit each creative product with their Creative Name, File Name, and the Creative’s Website, if applicable.
- ForumCiv reserve the right to accept or reject any applications.
- This challenge does not attract payment of any fees at all stages.
Technical Awarding Criteria
Criteria | Points | |
1 | Relevant Experience. Has the creative demonstrated relevant previous experience of employing creative advocacy mechanisms to address social and developmental challenges? | 20% |
2 | Relevance to the themes. Does the submission clearly address a key challenge within the themes of Democracy, Human Rights and Gender Equality | 30% |
3 | Creativity and innovative approach. Is there originality and uniqueness of the submission idea and what are the innovative approaches proposed to address the challenge? Is the submission the result of a collaborative design with the end-users or target audience? | 30% |
4 | Expected outcomes. Does the submission clearly and smartly articulate the changes it wishes to achieve and how it intends to attain the same? | 20% |
In order to enter the competition, all entrants must download the application form (the “Artivism Challenge 2020 Application Form”) and follow all directions therein. All images, links and videos uploaded for the purposes of completing the entry process shall not be manipulated or otherwise artificially or digitally enhanced by the creative. Kindly send the completed application form and relevant links to wajibuwetu@forumciv.org by 23:59pm EAT on Monday 7th of December, 2020.