The PPDP programme
The Inclusive Growth through Decent Work in the Great Rift Valley Programme, commonly referred to as PPDP is an innovative project based on the Public-Private Development Partnership (PPDP) model and aims at poverty reduction and improved living conditions through decent work and access to rights-based services.
What is the PPDP model and how does it work?
In a PPDP, the public and private sectors make a joint investment in a project implemented by a third party. The objective is to create win-win situations where projects are commercially driven while generating significant improvements for people in poverty.
What makes the PPDP approach unique?
- It is a partnership. The government, private sectors, and the community contributes what they can in line with their mandate, ability, and interests.
- It harnesses the various contributions of different actors to a common cause.
- It has no single donor.
- Contributions can be financial or non-financial.
What is the project about?
The overall development objective of the projects is to reduce poverty and improve living conditions through decent work and access to rights-based services among the rural population in the Great Rift Valley in Kenya.
The project has the following 3 outcomes:
- Outcome 1: Decent jobs resulting from relevant and quality skills provided by selected vocational training centers and other training institutions.
- Outcome 2: Decent jobs resulting from new and growing businesses created.
- Outcome 3: Improved community participation in lobbying for increased access to public and social services and duty bearer's accountability in providing social services.
What are we supporting?
ForumCiv is supporting with outcome 3 of the project using the following approaches:
- Capacity Development
Rights Based Approach- Right(s) Way Forward
Functional Adult Literacy - Civil Society Strengthening
Capacity Development of Local organizations
Sub-Granting of Local Organisations - Networking and Advocacy
What have we acheived so far?
The PPDP programme has so far contributed to the following results:
- Improved health through improved health indicators.
- Accountability by duty bearers in providing public social services.
- Improved community organizing in lobbying and advocacy.
- Strengthened local organizations spearheading implementation of community projects.
- Strengthened relationships between community and duty bearers.
- Improved functional behaviours among less literate members of the community.
- Change of attitude among public duty bearers on donor-funded projects from dependency to a partnership approach.
Project overview:
Project name: Inclusive Growth Through Decent Work in the Great Rift Valley Programme- Public Private Through Decent Work Project.
Programme goal: Reduce poverty and improve living conditions for people in poverty.
Expected outcomes: Improved community participation in lobbying for increased access to public and social services and duty bearer’s accountability in providing social services.
Project budget: $1,642,750
Period: May 2018 to July 2024
Funded by: Sida & Co-implemented by the International Labor Organisation (ILO) as the lead implementing partner.