ForumCiv på Stockholm+50
Alla våra evenemang fokuserar på antagandet av FN:s resolution 48/13 om rätten till en ren, hälsosam och hållbar miljö. Resolutionen antogs i oktober 2021 och erkänner rätten till en hälsosam miljö som en grundläggande mänsklig rättighet. Detta är en viktig milstolpe för civilsamhället, som kommer att stödja den fortsatta kampen för att skydda miljön och erhålla gottgörelse för utsatta grupper som drabbats av miljöskador.
Stockholm+50 – The Peoples’ Perspective
Date and time: 31 May at 14.20-14.50
Venue: Kulturhuset, Sergels torg and online
Environmental defenders and the struggle for the right to a healthy environment
The panellists will discuss what actions are necessary to make this new Right an effective tool for human rights and environmental defenders as they face escalating threats and violent attacks in many countries. The session will highlight the vital role of environmental defenders around the world.
- Ivan Enrile, IBON International, The Philippines
- December Ndhlovu från Environmental Monitoring Group, South Africa
- Daniel Ortiz Gallego, Centro de Alternativas al Desarrollo (CEALDES), Colombia
- Karin Lexén, Secretary General, Naturskyddsföreningen
Organizers: Afrikagrupperna, Business & Human Rights Resource Centre, ForumCiv, Latinamerikagrupperna, Naturskyddsföreningen, Swedwatch
Sign up to participate on-site or watch the live stream
Peoples Forum for Environment and Global Justice
Date and time: 1 June at 10.00-10.45
Venue: Room Katasalen (first floor), ABF-huset, Sveavägen 41
What is needed to safeguard the Right to a Healthy Environment in the context of harmful business activities?
A panel discussion drawing on lessons learnt from the Arica case in Chile.
The session sheds light on the state of environmental injustices where the local population and ecosystems are affected by pervasive pollution and toxic hazards induced by public and private business activities. The panel will draw on the experiences of residents in Arica, Chile that were exposed to toxic industrial waste exported from Sweden in the 1980s and have endured long extended processes seeking remediation. The session will highlight the obligations of states and business actors in the light of the right to a healthy environment, and what actions and mechanisms are necessary to avoid future environmental injustices as experienced by Arica victims and ensure a safe operating space for the defenders upholding the right to a healthy environment.
- Marcos Orellana, UN Special Rapporteur on toxics and human rights
- Jonas Ebbesson, Professor of Environmental Law, Stockholm University
- Radiatu Sheriff-Kahnplaye, Green Advocates, Liberia
- Mamitas del Plomo, Arica, Chile (pre-recorded statement)
- Malena Wåhlin, Swedwatch
Organizers: Afrikagrupperna, Amnesty International, Business and Human Rights Resource Centre, ForumCiv, Latinamerikagrupperna, Swedish Society for Nature Conservation, Swedwatch
See the full programme of the forum
Side event at the Stockholm +50 conference
Date and time: 3 June at 13.00-14.15
Venue: Room 3, Stockholmsmässan
Roles of Human Rights and Environmental Defenders and Business Actors in Safeguarding the Right to a Healthy Environment
Drawing attention to escalating threats and violence against human rights and environmental defenders from different parts of the world, the side event aims to facilitate constructive dialogues on actions and instruments that are necessary to achieve a healthy planet where the right to a healthy environment is duly respected and protected. The event sheds light on the responsibilities of states and business actors to accelerate and improve due diligence practices. The event also illuminates the need for instruments to hold states and business actors accountable for environmental harm and human rights violations.
- Jennifer del Rosario-Malonzo, IBON International, The Philippines
- Radiatu Sheriff-Kanhplaye, Green Advocates, Liberia
- David Boyd, UN Special Rapporteur for Environment and Human Rights
- Charlotta Szczepanowski, Sustainability Director, COOP Sweden
- Yayoi Lagerqvist, Swedwatch
Organizers: Afrikagrupperna, Amnesty International, Business & Human Rights Resource Centre, Centro de Alternativas al Desarrollo (CEALDES), ForumCiv, Green Advocates, IBON International, Latinamerikagrupperna, Naturskyddsföreningen, Swedwatch, We Effect
Den 2–3 juni hålls FN:s miljökonferens Stockholm+50 på Stockholmsmässan. Runt och inför detta anordnas en mängd seminarium och aktiviteter av flera av våra medlemmar. Vi har listat våra medlemmars aktiviteter som börjar måndagen 30 maj.
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