What is the Right(s) Way Forward?

Right(s) Way Forward is a flexible and adaptable capacity-building methodology to encourage the power and capacity of communities. The methodology respects and expands on the existing capacity and knowledge of the communities to create the change they wish to see. Right(s) Way forward is easy to get started with and to use no matter the size or context of the project. Together we can create a just and sustainable world.

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An adaptable and flexible methodology that creates sustainable, community-driven change.

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Resilient communities with a strong support network built on mutual respect and shared vision are better equipped to deal with injustices and human rights violations. 

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Anyone wanting to adopt a rights-based approach when working with communities in a developmental context.

Right(s) Way Forward is an adaptable and flexible process which follows a tested and proven methodology of exercises and concepts to create sustainable, community-driven change. It is ForumCiv’s methodology for adopting a rights-based approach and encompasses all aspects which are central to development work, such as gender equality, environmental sustainability and conflict sensitivity.  

It is a community-based methodology that seeks to empower community members to improve their capacity to formulate, advocate and claim their rights.  The methodology also aims at creating a safe space for dialogue between rights-holders and duty-bearers to address different community concerns in a collaborative manner.

Having the ability to find resolutions and identify changes which are contextually relevant, determined and driven by the community, underlines the Right(s) Way Forward methodology. The approach respects and expands on the existing capacity and knowledge of the communities to create the change they wish to see.

Across the globe, shrinking civic space is directly impacting human and civil rights defenders, with many facing violent crackdown while trying to address the very injustices which worsen poverty, conflict, gender inequality and inequity, climate change and the ability to live in a just and sustainable world. We believe that resilient communities with strong support networks that are built on mutual respect and shared visions are the best equipped to deal with these challenges. That is why Right(s) Way Forward was developed.

This tool is developed for anyone; organisations, individuals or informal networks, wanting to adopt a rights-based approach when working with communities in a development context.

Right(s) Way Forward is a complete cycle and by design constructed to be highly adaptable and flexible. This allows the tool to respond to different project needs and cycles. We encourage all who plan to adopt the Right(s) Way Forward to use the parts that are relevant and helpful to their project, to freely adopt and change the exercises to suit local contexts, as well as reworking the exercises to fit the project more specifically.  

RWF is a methodology that works within the spirit of the "Doing Development Differently Manifesto". We believe it contributes in particular to interventions that:

  • Focus on solving local problems that are debated, defined, and refined by local people in an ongoing process.
  • Are legitimised at all levels, building ownership and momentum throughout the process to be 'locally owned' in reality (not just on paper).
  • Work through local conveners who mobilise to tackle common problems and introduce relevant change.

Do you want to know more about the history?

Our podcast Forum for Change has interviewed Wilson James Tutanya, Programme Officer at ForumCiv Hub Eastern and Southern Africa, who has actively worked with developing the methodology.

Inspiration to use the methodology

Would you like to get some inspiration to use our Right(s) Way Forward Methodology? 

Check this video, where you will find inspiring stories from partners working with the methodology, bringing forward voices from local civil societies.

Are you interested in the Right (s) Way Forward (RWF) Methodology?

Do you want to learn more about the methodology and its application? If yes, then learn more about the methodology through the summary of tips bellow:

You can either download to access:

  • Right(s) Way Forward Methodology handbook. It provides tools and step-by-step guide for mobilisation and multi-stakeholder dialogue, while respecting and expanding on the existing capacity and knowledge of the communities to create the change they wish to see.
  • Handbook for RWF trainers. It is a comprehensive tool that provides suggestions of step by step procedures on how to move through a training process from the planning stage to the actual delivery and evaluation of the training.
  • RWF Templates folder. There you will able to access to all the templates mentioned in the Right(s) Way Forward Methodology handbook.

Or, you can start your learning at our virtual learning platform:

  • ForumCiv has partnered with Humentum to provide an easy to use platform accessible to ForumCiv partners, member organizations and staff. The virtual learning platform enable civil society actors around the world to interact and learn to make lasting change happen.
  • Access the full Right(s) Way Forward course by creating a free account.
Rights Way Forward tablet, phone and notebook