Tillsammans kan vi stå upp för fred och frihet

Nyhet - 2023-03-14
Den 12 mars talade Anna Stenvinkel och Svitlana Baliuk på Nordic Ukraine Forums demonstration i solidaritet med det ukrainska folket. Här kan du ta del av bådas tal.
Svitlana talar framför en grupp demonstranter med plakat och ukrainska flaggor.

Anna Stenvinkel, generalsekreterare 

När jag ser på Ukraina just nu så kan jag inte låta bli att imponeras över dess styrka. Styrkan i hur Ukraina försvarar sin frihet; styrkan i det ukrainska folket som trots det lidande som Rysslands brutala invasion orsakar, fortsätter försvara sin frihet och demokrati. Det är en motståndskraft som är djupt rotad i det ukrainska folket. En motståndskraft som är djupt rotad i civilsamhället. 

Ett starkt och levande civilsamhälle är en viktig förutsättning för en motståndskraftig demokrati, och det är just vad vi på ForumCiv arbetar för. Bland annat driver vi Östra partnerskapsnätverket, där 37 medlemsorganisationer arbetar för ökat samarbete med civilsamhället i våra grannländer öster om EU.  

En av de medlemmarna är Nordic Ukraine Forum, som organiserar det här evenemanget. Stort tack för ert viktiga arbete och för att ni möjliggör de här demonstrationerna. 

Organisationer som Nordic Ukraine Forum och våra övriga medlemmar i ForumCiv och Östra partnerskapsnätverket är så viktiga i arbetet med att stärka civilsamhället där det har tuffast att verka. För det är tillsammans som vi kan försvara vår demokrati. Tillsammans kan vi stå upp för fred och frihet. För utan civilsamhället tystnar demokratin.

Låt mig nu bjuda in en kollega till mig som arbetar med Östra partnerskapsnätverket, som vet ännu mer om vikten av ett starkt civilsamhälle i Ukraina just nu. Välkommen, Svitlana Baliuk. 

Svitlana Baliuk, Östra partnerskapsnätverket

Thank you, Anna. 

I stand here as a representative of ForumCiv. But I also stand here as a Ukrainian. In fact, I stand here as a civil ambassador! And every Ukrainian around the world is now a civil ambassador for our country. For over a year, 24/7, we have represented, informed, and raised awareness about Ukraine. 

And in my experience, people have listened, and they have wanted to help. I came to Sweden a year ago with my son. As the days of war became weeks, months and eventually a year, we have had to find a life here. I have found my “everyday life” in ForumCiv, and what really makes me happy is that my son has found his through Swedish school. I am thankful for how Swedish society has accepted my son and so many other Ukrainian children. 

My hometown is Kharkiv, where I still have my family. When I think back to Kharkiv, I often think of my school where I grew up, and the Kharkiv National University, where I had my years as a student at the sociological faculty. Now, both those buildings have been destroyed by Russians, like so many places in Ukraine. But still, both the school and the University live on. Students and teachers have kept them running online. 

I think that says something about the resilience of the Ukrainian people. Like the school and the University, Ukraine will be kept running. Because just like there has been a military mobilization, there has also been a civic mobilization. Ukrainians have become organized, raised money, and provided support to the brave soldiers on the front line. There are volunteers, medical workers, journalists, artists, activists, and many more, that have all played an important part in keeping Ukraine on its feet. They are all part of the civic mobilization – they are part of Ukraine’s powerful civil society. 

This is why civil society is so important – this is my message representing ForumCiv here today. In our role as a platform for civil society organizations, we want to strengthen a civil society that is working for freedom and democracy. A strong civil society is vital everywhere – and it’s vital in Ukraine. Going forward, supporting civil society organizations will be important for Ukraine’s resilience, post-war recovery, and democratic development. 

The war has revealed the toughness and stability of Ukrainian civil society. Just like we have a strong army, we also have a strong civil society. And the fact that every Ukrainian in and outside of Ukraine is now a civil ambassador – that the people have come together, and we have such an organized and vibrant civil society – that is of great value. That is a great source of energy that gives strength to our entire country. For that reason, Ukraine will be kept running. For that reason, Ukraine will prevail.  

Слава Україні! 

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