Statement by the Eastern Partnership Network on one year of Russia's war in Ukraine

News - 2023-02-24
One year ago, on 24 February 2022, the Russian Federation launched a large-scale military invasion of Ukraine. Russian actions continue to threaten Ukraine’s sovereignty and democratic principles and the lives and values of Ukrainian citizens. Thousands of civilians have already died in the war, and millions of refugees have fled the country.  

The Eastern Partnership Network strongly condemns Russia’s brutal invasion of Ukraine. It grossly violates international law and the principles of the UN Charter and threatens global security and stability.  

We express our full solidarity with Ukrainian civil society and all brave Ukrainians fighting for their freedom. The whole world is impressed by the resilience of the Ukrainian civic activists, journalists, human rights defenders, medical workers and volunteers.  

Russia must immediately stop its aggression, withdraw all its troops from Ukraine and respect its independence and territorial integrity, within internationally recognized borders.    

The Network also calls on the international civil society to continue to combine efforts and stand in solidarity with Ukraine and emphasizes the need to allocate financial support to Ukrainian civil society, both in and outside of Ukraine. 

We strongly believe that supporting civil society organizations will be crucial to Ukraine’s post-war recovery and to its future democratic development.  

Slava Ukraini!  

Members of the Eastern Partnership Network:  

All Sweden shall live Stockholm 
Civil Rights Defenders 
The Kvinna till Kvinna Foundation 
LSU - The National Council of Swedish Youth Organizations 
More Mosaic 
SILC, Swedish International Liberal Centre 
Sveriges Belarusier 
Union to Union 
United Nations Association of Sweden 
Winnet Sweden 

The Eastern Partnership Network is a Swedish civil society platform aimed at strengthening collaboration with civil society in the EaP countries (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine) and Russia.  

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