
Man talar i mikrofon på en scen i Dar El Salam i Tanzania.
Success story - 2024-03-19

12 times civil society changed the world in 2023

Strengthening press freedom, dismantling structural discrimination, eradicating harmful practices, maintaining a helpline despite state crackdown, preserving natural resources, these are just some of...

Joy is working at a electrical fuse box. She is wearing a red helmet and a green jacket.
Success story - 2023-06-26

8 times civil society changed the world in 2022

Change begins with people who raise their voices to demand democracy, equality, and human rights for all. We are highlighting eight of our results from supporting civil society in 2022.

News - 2021-12-07

Grassroots are the strength of the revolution

Last week, the EaP Network hosted Belarusian oppositional presidential candidate, which independent surveys would give strong chances of winning, on free and fair elections, Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya...

News - 2020-10-21

New report: Time to Act

In a new report, ForumCiv calls on the Swedish government to adopt a legislation that requires companies to respect human rights in their own operations and in all their business relationships.