Annual report 2019 out now!

News - 2020-05-19
“We are in a time where democracy is challenged in several countries and Forum Syd is needed to defend the right of civil society to operate. We are part of the resistance that is being formed against hatred, harassment and the shrinking space of civil society”
Cover page of Forum Syds Annual Report 2019

Those are the words of Forum Syd’s chairperson Victoria Enström Lindskog. Because as the global civil society defended or struggled to maintain or widen civic democratic space – the very same space continued to shrink for its 13th consecutive year worldwide.

During 2019, Forum Syd’s 125 partners in 6 countries and on 4 continents focused on creating civic space by defending women’s influence, peace, environment and keeping leaders accountable. All the 206 projects supported by Forum Syd’s sub-granting and implemented through 140 Swedish organisations had a rights-based approach. All the advocacy work carried out over the year aimed to ensure that political frameworks contributed to a just and sustainable world. 

How can we, as Forum Syd, support new ways of organising in civil society? That is an insight we will take with us in 2020.

2019 was also the year where young people made their voices heard as they took to the street to demand climate action. To hold the international community accountable to commitments made in the Paris Agreement to fight global warming. Forum Syd General Secretary Anna Stenvinkel believes that these new types of movements need to have more influence on Forum Syd.

“How can we, as Forum Syd, support new ways of organising in civil society? That is an insight we will take with us in 2020.”

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