Statement by the Eastern Partnership Network on Russian Invasion of Ukraine

The Eastern Partnership Network strongly condemns the Russian invasion of Ukraine. It is a violation of international law, and of Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.
The Eastern Partnership Network expresses its solidarity with Ukrainian civil society and the entire population of Ukraine under severe attack.
The Network
- Demands that the Russian authorities immediately withdraw their troops from Ukraine.
- Urges the international community to hold the Russian authorities accountable for the invasion of Ukraine.
- Calls on international civil society to combine efforts and stand in solidarity with Ukraine.
The Eastern Partnership Network is a Swedish civil society platform aimed at strengthening collaboration with civil society in the Eastern Partnership countries – Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine – and Russia.
Members of the Eastern Partnership Network
Civil Rights Defenders
Centralasiengrupperna (CAG)
Frilans Syd (the southern section for Freelance Journalists within Swedish Union of Journalists)
Green Forum
Hela Sverige Ska Leva Stockholms län
KFUM Sverige
The Kvinna till Kvinna Foundation
Luftförorenings- och klimatsekretariatet (AirClim)
LSU - The National Council of Swedish Youth Organisations
More Mosaic
Nordic Ukraine Forum
PRO Global
SILC, Swedish International Liberal Centre
Svenska FN-förbundet/United Nations Association of Sweden
Svenska Freds (Swedish Peace and Arbitration Society)
Sveriges Belarusier
Union to Union
Winnet Sweden, Women in Network organisation of Women Resource Centres
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