Updates within the Swedish Partnership Programme

News - 2021-12-06
The Swedish Partnership Programme enters a new agreement period with Sida in 2023. With this as a background, ForumCiv have developed the programme with the aim of strengthening our rights-based work and creating opportunities for flexibility for the Swedish organisations and their partners.

The programme development have entailed revised application templates, funding modalities, instructions, and Essential Guide.

On February 14th 2022, ForumCiv will present the draft of application templates and relevant information. We welcome opinions on the draft during the 2 following weeks. On March 14th we will publish the final application templates on our website. In connection with publishing the final application templates, we will hold meetings to answer questions.

We encourage you to take part of the programme development:

Should you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact our helpline or via mail:

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