25 years defending democracy

News - 2020-05-28
Since 1995, we have defended democracy and human rights. In our 25-year jubilee book, we look back at how it all began, when Forum Syd became Sweden’s largest platform for civil society. “25 years defending democracy” gives you an insight into our history and work for a just and sustainable world.
Publication cover page and spread with the text 25 years defending democracy, when it all began and 1995 ForumCiv is founded.

Over the decades, we have seen how global civil society is growing in importance. Today, states and international bodies must take civil society organisations into account. We are collaborative dialogue partners that continuously defend human rights so that no one is left behind in the work towards sustainable development. 

In our time of globalisation, it is of the utmost importance that popular participation is given space. That people, through their organisations, are given the opportunity to make their voices heard and influence the development that affects us all. Here, Forum Syd, together with all our member organisations, plays a vital role, both in Sweden and internationally.

For 25 years, Forum Syd has defended democracy and human rights. As Sweden’s largest platform for civil society, we make a difference through our work around the globe. We should all be proud that we contribute to a just and sustainable world where all people have the power to effect change.

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