
Man talar i mikrofon på en scen i Dar El Salam i Tanzania.
Success story - 2024-03-19

12 times civil society changed the world in 2023

Strengthening press freedom, dismantling structural discrimination, eradicating harmful practices, maintaining a helpline despite state crackdown, preserving natural resources, these are just some of...

People walking in demonstrations holding signs and mobile phones.
Success story - 2024-01-27

Over 20 000 people march to end femicide in Kenya

In January, ForumCiv in Kenya joined a collective of feminist movements, human rights activists, concerned citizens, and civil society organizations in the country for an End Femicide march.

Tomas står i trädgården.
Success story - 2023-12-20

“The bees send the children to school”

Small holder farmers are often among those who live in absolute poverty and often live in places where climate change effects are severe. ForumCiv accompanied Vi Agroforestry to meet some of the...

Joy is working at a electrical fuse box. She is wearing a red helmet and a green jacket.
Success story - 2023-06-26

8 times civil society changed the world in 2022

Change begins with people who raise their voices to demand democracy, equality, and human rights for all. We are highlighting eight of our results from supporting civil society in 2022.

Tree Planting
News - 2023-03-21

Healthy forests for a healthy people

The UN General Assembly (UNGA) proclaimed 21 March as the International Day of Forests in 2012. The Day celebrates and raises awareness of the importance of all types of forests.

Success story - 2021-04-19

Soaring above adversity to empower her community

Halima Kahiye, a young female journalist, works in one of the most marginalised and patriarchal regions in the world, overcoming adversity every day to empower her community through information.

News - 2020-11-26

Artivism Challenge

The Artivism Challenge 2020 seeks to recognise emerging art, media and cultural actors employing innovative advocacy mechanisms to address the rising challenges to democracy, human rights and gender...

News - 2020-09-11

Defending democracy: A week in the name of democracy

ForumCiv and Wajibu Wetu Programme partners PAWA254, Siasa Place, Buni Media, and African Uncensored, will jointly commemorate the Democracy week with a series of week-long activities on Monday 14th...

Success story - 2020-05-13

Rising above cultural barriers

Witness the transformational journey of Mary Nkisongoi, from a withdrawn and timid Maasai woman to a rising community advocate championing change.