
News - 2022-06-28

Glocal voices: What does pride mean to you?

International LGBTQI+ Pride Day has been celebrated for more than fifty years. But why is it celebrated? On July 5 we invited LGBTQI activists to talk about their struggle for social acceptance in...

News - 2022-06-27

Environmental defenders are more important than ever

During the UN environment conference Stockholm+50 in June, ForumCiv organized three seminars together with several other civil society organizations. In all the events, environmental defenders and...

News - 2022-06-27

Handbook on anti-corruption

This anti-corruption handbook provides ForumCiv offices and its implementing partners with guidance to become better equipped to effectively support the anti-corruption work.

News - 2022-06-10

Memory and solidarity with the victims in Colombia

The need to remember past atrocities to never let them be repeated again is something that is part of dealing with the pain and loss in many conflicts. Remembering in order not to repeat, to...

News - 2022-05-25

Annual report 2021 out now!

2021 was the year when the consequences of the pandemic really left their mark. The space for civil society kept shrinking, but the willingness of people to get involved increased.

Column - 2022-04-11

What civil society in Belarus needs

ForumCiv has been involved in support to Belarusian civil society for almost 30 years. During these years we have seen a cycle repeating itself: opening of civic space, followed by repressions...

News - 2022-02-08

Escalating violence in Colombia

The year has come to a violent start in Colombia. The security situation has drastically deteriorated in several regions and so far, 13 leaders from social movements have been murdered. In Cauca, one...

News - 2021-12-07

Grassroots are the strength of the revolution

Last week, the EaP Network hosted Belarusian oppositional presidential candidate, which independent surveys would give strong chances of winning, on free and fair elections, Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya...

News - 2021-12-06

Updates within the Swedish Partnership Programme

The Swedish Partnership Programme enters a new agreement period with Sida in 2023. With this as a background, ForumCiv have developed the programme with the aim of strengthening our rights-based work...

News - 2021-11-30

Taking action against gender-based violence

Why is gender-based violence a matter of democracy and human rights? During 22-26 November we are hosting a week for discussions and advocacy on how we take action against gender-based violence.

Success story - 2021-11-05

ForumCiv’s three decades in Cambodia

ForumCiv has supported civil society and democracy for close to three decades in Cambodia since the free elections in -93. Since the days of the Red Khmere rule, the country has reached lower middle...

News - 2021-09-28

Elected to lead – A webinar on women and democracy

Women's political participation and leadership have paved the way for many important reforms for gender equality and justice. The Hunger Project Sweden and ForumCiv invite you to a conversation on...