Instructions, templates and documents for ForumCiv Programmes
Please note that the documents below may be updated, which means that previous versions will be invalid. Therefore, you should always visit the website to ensure that you are using the latest versions of the documents. Previous versions of the documents (this also includes documents removed from this page) will not be accepted by ForumCiv.
To read more about programme specific conditions, the application process and relevant changes, go to the respective programme's page.
Swedish Partnership Programme
The management of development projects and pre-studies occurs in English. Other languages may be approved in exceptional cases. Contact in good time before applying for such requests.
Application Templates
Pilot Partnership Funding
Medium Partnership Funding
Resources and tools
Programme Guide and Procedures Manual
Please read the documents below before starting to write your application. The documents will give you guidance and help you structure your application.
Procedures Manual
Programme Guide
Ongoing initiatives
When your project is granted you will sign an agreement with ForumCiv before you requisition funds, i.e. request disbursement of your grant. If you wish to make changes to an on-going project and agreement this needs to be approved beforehand by ForumCiv. Contact ForumCiv in good time before you want to make changes.
In the Q&A document we have tried to clarify articles and details in the agreement.
Agreements between Swedish organizations and ForumCiv
The following agreement documents together with initiative specific documents makes up the agreement between Swedish organizations and ForumCiv. The following agreement documents between Swedish organizations and ForumCiv are always in Swedish.
Agreements between Swedish and local partner organizations
Swedish and local partner organizations must enter into agreement before funds can be transferred from the Swedish organization to the local organization. A copy of the signed agreement between your organizations must be sent to ForumCiv within one month of signing. The agreement must follow the agreement between ForumCiv and the Swedish organization. Below you will find the required agreement documents in English, Spanish and French.
Requisition documents
Granted funds must be requisitioned before the end of each calendar year according to the approved budget.
The following forms must be filled in and sent to ForumCiv in order for your organisation to receive funds. ForumCiv must always be informed if there are updates to the information in the forms.
Documents that are relevant during the implementation of the initiative
If you wish to make other types of changes, please contact your Programme Officer.
Resources and tools
Programme Guide and Procedures Manual
Procedures Manual
Programme Guide
After the implementation process has ended it is time to report your project to ForumCiv. If the project has run for longer than 18 months your organization is required to submit an annual report as well before the project has ended. The dates for submitting your annual and final report can be found in your agreement with ForumCiv. Reporting is an important part of your project. Incomplete and/or delayed reporting can lead to ForumCiv requiring reimbursement of the grant or parts of the grant.
Please observe that all documents for reporting should signed by authorised signatories and scanned before submitted.
Reporting templates
Annual monitoring
Final report
Programme Guide and Procedures Manual
Procedures Manual
Programme Guide
Civis instructions
Civis is ForumCiv's grants management system through which you manage your applications, initiatives and reports as well your organizational information. Here is the link to Civis.
Below you will find the instructions you need for accessing and using Civis.
For support with Civis, please contact